This is the story of Robert Irwin, holiday parks, apples, candles and frosty scarfs

Our brief for this campaign was unusual. On a regular WIP call with our G’day Parks client, we were told “don't tell anyone, but we've got Robert Irwin, and we have him for two days in 8 weeks and we need a campaign - thinking he could do tips or something”. Challenge firmly accepted. The first thing was to figure what does Robert Irwin have to do with G'day Parks?

What we realised was that by partnering with him, G'day Parks is not only endorsing the authentic Australian holiday experience but also ensuring that each stay is informative, adventurous, and has a connection to the land and surroundings. We realised Robert's energy and youthful, fresh perspective complements G'day Parks' visions of creating experiences that cater to every generation - speaking seamlessly to both their Nomad and Family audiences. And he’s fun and can laugh at himself, all while retaining a sense of earnestness. We wanted to lean into this.

Holiday Hacks with Robert Irwin

And so Holiday Hacks with Robert was born. An irreverent, informative and fun video series where Robert Irwin provided hacks to enhance any G'day Park experience. In the series we played to Robert's ability to laugh at himself. So keeping him in his Australia Zoo uniform, we had him play a slightly absurd version of himself, we had him play into his reputation as someone who has become a celebrity by loving nature. We painted him as a lovable, charming (slight) fool. And we had fun with this.

Each film began with Robert talking through a 'hack', only for the scene to not be as it seemed. For example, we opened on one with Robert *seemingly* in the bush, saying "if you eat an apple and drink a bottle of water, it's the same as drinking two bottles of water" (true), only for it to reveal he's not in the bush but in the holiday park. Or we open on Robert seemingly in the rain, only to actually be under the holiday park water mushroom.

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